Sunday, October 24, 2010

Babson Men's Soccer Live Feed

Right now I am watching the live feed of the Babson Men's Soccer game against Plymouth State.   Live feed is constant updates on exactly what is happening in the game so that people at home can keep up with the play by play action of a far away game.  This is a strong medium because the person who is typing each word is from Plymouth State, and therefore is most likely bias against Babson.  Every play he describes is written with the underline message of a Plymouth State fan.   A Babson player may take a shot that goes over the goal but the Plymouth people retain from calling it a “shot” because that would lower the stats of the Plymouth team.   I am a loyal Babson Men’s Soccer fan and watch the live feed of their away games quite often.   This means that I am subjected to receiving the media message of the opposing teams’ opinions and views.   My love for soccer, as well as my love for all of my best friends on the boys team, requires me to obtain the media expressed from the words of the live feed given by a Plymouth State fan. 
Croteau and Hoynes discuss the influence of newspapers and written articles on society.   They believe that “there is, in fact, good reason to believe that the historical roots of what we now refer to as ‘objectivity’ in journalism lie in this process of commercialization, whereby the news industry developed a new non-partisan framework for reporting news” (69).   Just as written work, such as journalism, effects society, the online live feed from college sports has an impact on its viewers and followers.   Every word written by the author of the live feed from Plymouth State influences its viewers by imposing a media message upon them.  

I have included a picture of the live feed of Babson's game against Plymouth State as well as a picture of classmate Pete Crowley making a save in goal against Wheaton.


  1. Sweet topic Lisa. I agree with your live feed comments. I often times take advantage of using's live feed to keep up on my fantasy sports teams.

  2. Nice post we are subject to objectivity but in the end we are level headed enough to see past it and watch the game or the live feed for what it truly is and that's the straight facts of the game....most of the time in Babson's favor. But if you think about it if you were to write the live feed wouldn't you put in your own bias as well?
