Sunday, October 17, 2010

Seasonal Media

The seasons of the year each portray a special and unique type of media. The weather, colors, and pastimes of the seasons deliver a message to individuals and consumers about how they should behave. As Henry David Thoreau said, "Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each." (Thoreau). There are outfits, beverages, foods, and outings which are characteristic of the seasons.
The media of summer surrounds the warm atmosphere. Summer expresses a care-free nature and an attitude of happiness. The hot temperature sends family’s to the beach and outside for picnics, b-b-q's, and reunions. Summer style beers, fruity drinks, and cold beverages flood the drink market, and on-the-go outside foods are found in the hands of summer lovers.
The changing of the leaves and cold weather brings about feelings of fall and the media of fall takes hold. Just as in summer, drinks and foods are shaped around the fall feeling. Fall events, for the most part, are focused on the media of Halloween. Pumpkins, costumes, and candy are staple mediums of fall.
When winter comes, coats, boots, and hats are worn and are prime examples of what the medium of winter suggests. The main focus of winter and what the media of winter suggests are the holidays. Almost all religions have an important celebration. When spring comes, its media creates an oncoming of summer and a positive, out of winter, feeling.
Businesses have capitalized on the media and feelings represented by each season, creating products, advertising destinations, and marketing ideas. Using the media of the seasons, entrepreneurs have made billions of dollars representing the holidays and behaviors of each.


  1. Lisa, I agree entirely with your opinion that the seasons serves as mediums on their own and have the capability to speak great volumes about products that are sold based on the time of year. The change in seasons brings different appeal to different products, for example, Starbucks Coffee's peppermint mocha,which is only sold over the winter months. Its something I can look forward to aside from the cold weather and the seasonality of this drink serves as a media influence and certainly a marketing aid to lure in many customers

  2. Lisa,
    I agree. The season seem to have their own media personalities. From beer to food, seasonality is a consistent factor.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lisa,

    I completely agree that seasons are mediums. I find is especially interesting the amount of consumerism and advertising that takes place around the holidays. For example, Christmas--who doesn't spend a ton of money around the holidays (presents, food, travel, etc.)? As the seasons (mediums) change, I believe marketers capitalize on this--they take the mediums and translate them into a need that they fulfill through their product (winter is coming--you need a winter jacket!). Therefore, I think we would both agree that seasons actually dictate consumerism through the physical messages (weather) they send to society.

